Fiscal Year 2006 Enacted Budget FY06 Highlights Fiscal Summary Windfall Spending Budget Highlights FY06 Capital Budget Capital Budget Bill SB 46 Explanation of Vetoes FY06 Capital Projects Capital Summary by Department w/Vetoes 3-1-05 Capital Summary by HD w/Vetoes 3-1-05 by Department w/Allocations w/Vetoes 3-1-05 by HD w/Allocations w/Vetoes 3-1-05 by Community w/Vetoes 3-1-05 FY06 Operating Budget Operating Budget Bill HB 67 Explanation of Vetoes Operating Budget Increase Areas FY06 Mental Health Budget Mental Health Cap/Op Bill SB 66 Transmittal Letter Comparison Report FY06 Education Budget Alaska K-12 Projects