Fiscal Year 2022 Enacted Budget – All Projects Listed Alphabetically Appropriation/ Allocation Amended Project Title Backup Documents Appropriation FY2022 2018 Sockeye Salmon Disaster – Chignik Area Appropriation X FY2022 2020 Ballot Measure Number 2 Implementation Allocation FY2022 511 Phone and Web Enhancements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 511 Phone and Web Maintenance & Operations (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 AASHTO Technical Programs Support (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 AASHTOware Implementation (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Federal Program Allocation FY2022 ADA Implementation and Compliance Monitoring (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Advance Surveys for all State Lands Including Agriculture and Mariculture Appropriation FY2022 Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public Housing Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Energy Efficiency Research Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Energy Programs Weatherization Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive Grants Appropriation X FY2021 AHFC HOME Investment Partnership Act – Homeless Funds Appropriation X FY2021 AHFC Homeownership Assistance Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Capital Fund Program Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Federal HOME Grant Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Rental Assistance for Persons Displaced Due to Domestic Violence – Empowering Choice Housing Program (ECHP) Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Supplemental Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2022 AHFC Teacher, Health and Public Safety Professionals Housing Allocation FY2022 Air Quality Mobile Source Modeling (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Air Quality Public Education (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Airport Facility Roof Replacement 2022 (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Airport Improvement Program Allocation FY2022 Airport Way (West) Improvements Allocation FY2022 Airport Way / South Cushman Intersection Reconstruction Allocation FY2022 Akakeek, Ptarmigan, and DeLapp Streets – (HD 38) Allocation FY2022 Alaska CARE – Crash Data Analysis & Reporting System (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Energy Authority – Alaska Cargo and Cold Storage Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Energy Authority – Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency Programs Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Energy Authority – Bulk Fuel Upgrades Appropriation FY2021 Alaska Energy Authority – Electrical Emergencies Program Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Energy Authority – Rural Power Systems Upgrades Allocation FY2022 Alaska Highway Mile Point 12-29 (Milepost 1235-1251) Rehabilitation Allocation FY2022 Alaska Highway Passing Lanes Mile Point 0-198 (Milepost 1221-1422) (Canadian Border to Delta Jct) Appropriation FY2021 Alaska International Airport System – Debt Service Payment Allocation FY2022 Alaska International Airport System Acceleration Projects (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Alaska International Airport System Reimbursable Authority (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Alaska International Airport System Reimbursable Projects Appropriation X FY2021 Alaska Landslide Hazards Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel Overhaul, Annual Certification and Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2022 Alaska Real-Time Global Navigations Satellite System Network Appropriation FY2022 Alaska Wildlife Troopers Marine Enforcement Repair and Replacement Allocation FY2022 AMATS CMAQ Allocation for Qualifying Air Quality Projects (HD 12-28) Allocation FY2022 AMATS CTP Program Allocation (HD 12-28) Allocation FY2022 AMATS TA Allocation (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 AMCO Enforcement Case Management and Investigations Report Writing System Allocation FY2022 ANC B Gate 4 & Gates 6-9 Rehabilitation (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Conc C Cooling Upgrades (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC RW 7R/25L Lighting (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Taxilane U, P & Taxiway R Surface Seal (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Taxilanes E1, E3, and E&G Intersection & TW R South Spot Rehab Ph 2 (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Taxiway Zulu West Phase I (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Terminal Road Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 ANC Water Main Improvements (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Anchorage – Energy Burden Mapping Appropriation X FY2022 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions – FHWA CRRSAA Allocation FY2022 Annual Planning Work Program (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 Anton Anderson Memorial and Portage Lake Tunnel Capital Improvements Document 1 Appropriation X FY2022 Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resource Project Appropriation FY2022 AST Law Enforcement Equipment Replacement Allocation FY2022 Aurora Drive-Noyes Slough Bridge Replacement Allocation FY2022 Aviation Systems Plan Update (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 AWT Law Enforcement Equipment and Off-Highway Vehicle Replacement Allocation FY2022 Bethel Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway Reconstruction (HD 38) Appropriation FY2021 Bethel Readiness Center Security Upgrades Appropriation FY2021 Bethel Readiness Center Water System Sustainment Allocation FY2022 Bethel Tundra Ridge Road (HD 38) Appropriation FY2022 Boating Upgrades, Haul Outs, and Vessel Replacement Allocation FY2022 Brevig Mission Lighting & Resurfacing (HD 39) Allocation FY2022 Bridge and Tunnel Inventory, Inspection, Monitoring, Preservation, Rehab and Replacement Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Bridge Management System (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Bridge Scour Monitoring and Retrofit Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Brotherhood Bridge / Kax Trail Improvements (HD 34) Allocation FY2022 Central Region ADA Compliance Project (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Central Region Drainage Improvements and Erosion (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Central Region ITS Repair and Upgrade Project (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 Chevak School Fire Remediation Allocation FY2022 Civil Rights Program (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Clean Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Allocation FY2022 Committed Measures for the Fairbanks SIP (HD 1-5) Appropriation FY2022 Community Block Grants Appropriation FY2022 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Year 3 Allocation FY2022 Connected – Autonomous Vehicle Planning (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Contingency (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Contingency (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Cooperative Reimbursable Projects Appropriation FY2022 Cooperative Water Resource Program Pass-through to USGS for Stream Gaging Projects Appropriation FY2022 Copper River Boat Launch Facilities Improvements Document 1 Appropriation X FY2021 Coronavirus Community Block Grants Appropriation FY2021 Court Security Improvements Appropriation FY2022 Courts Statewide Deferred Maintenance Appropriation FY2022 Crime Laboratory Equipment Replacement Appropriation X FY2022 Critical Information Database and Dashboard Appropriation FY2022 Critical Minerals Mapping – Earth MRI (3DEEP) Allocation FY2022 Cultural Resources Liaison (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Culvert Repair or Replace Project (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Dalton Hwy Mile Point 109-145 (Milepost 109-144) Reconstruction (Old Man Camp to Jim River Bridge #3) Appropriation X FY2022 Dam Safety Industry Projects Application Review Appropriation FY2021 Decommissioning and Remediation of Class V Injection Wells Allocation X FY2022 Denali Commission Infrastructure Allocation FY2022 Design Construct Lease Purchase Ferryboats and Terminals (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Allocation FY2022 Elliott Highway Milepost 51-63 Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2022 Emergency Medical Services Match for Code Blue Project Appropriation X FY2022 Endangered Species Act – Legal and Research Needs to Protect State Right to Manage Appropriation FY2021 Enhance Capacity at Geological Material Center Appropriation X FY2022 EVOS Eagle Rock (Bookey Parcel) Improvements Appropriation X FY2022 EVOS Kenai River Bookey Parcel Purchase Allocation FY2022 eWORX Federal Aid System Regulatory Implementation (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Outreach Appropriation FY2021 FAA CARES Act Rural Airport Deferred Maintenance Projects Appropriation FY2021 Facilities, Vessels and Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Upgrades Appropriation FY2022 Facilities, Vessels and Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Upgrades Allocation FY2022 Fairbanks Air Quality Planning Project (HD 1-5) Appropriation FY2022 Fairbanks Youth Facility Allocation FY2022 FAST CMAQ Allocation (HD 1-5) Allocation FY2022 FAST CTP Program Allocation (HD 1-5) Appropriation FY2022 Federal and Local Government Funded Forest Resource and Fire Program Allocation FY2022 Federal Emergency Projects Appropriation FY2022 Federal Program Match Allocation X FY2022 Federal Transit Administration Grants Allocation FY2022 Federal-Aid Aviation State Match Appropriation FY2022 Federal-Aid Highway Project Match Credits Allocation FY2022 Federal-Aid Highway State Match Allocation FY2022 Ferry Refurbishment (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Advanced Project Design and Planning (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Annual Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Environmental (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Equipment (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Facility Improvements, Renovations, & Upgrades (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: General Aviation Apron Rehabilitation (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 FIA: Information Technology Improvements (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Fire & Life Safety Vehicles Allocation FY2022 Fleet Condition Survey Update (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Food Security Enhancement Projects Appropriation FY2022 Fox Springs Improvements Allocation FY2022 Geographic Information System Development (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Geologic Materials Center Multispectral Scanning Equipment Appropriation FY2022 Geological Mapping for Energy Development (USGS STATEMAP) Allocation FY2022 Glenn Highway Mile Point 45-49 (Milepost 53-56) Reconstruction Moose Creek Canyon (HD 9) Allocation FY2022 Glenn Highway Mile Point 59 – 85 (Milepost 66.5 to 92) Rehabilitation (HD 9) Allocation FY2022 Glenn Highway: Parks Highway to South Inner Springer Loop (Cienna Avenue) (HD 10) Allocation FY2022 Gold Creek Bridge and Tatalina Bridge Replacement Appropriation FY2021 Grants to Electric Utilities to Address Delinquent Payments Appropriation FY2021 Grants to Local Governments with Significant Revenue Loss Due to COVID-19 Appropriation FY2021 Grants to Non-Profits to Offset Revenue Loss Due to COVID-19 Appropriation FY2021 Grants to Tourism and Other Businesses to Offset Revenue Loss Allocation FY2022 Haines Highway Reconstruction, MP 3.5-25.3 Appropriation X FY2022 Health Information Exchange Allocation FY2022 Hemmer Road Upgrade and Extension (HD 7-12) Allocation FY2022 Hermon Road Upgrade and Extension (HD 7-12) Allocation FY2022 Highway Fuel Tax Evasion (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Reporting (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Highway Safety Grants Program Allocation FY2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management (HD 33-36) Allocation FY2022 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management (HD 7-31) Allocation FY2022 Homer Airport Rehab – – Stage 1 (HD 31) Allocation FY2022 Hoonah Harbor Way Pedestrian Improvements and Pitt Island Cemetery Walkway (HD 35) Appropriation FY2022 Houston Middle School Replacement Appropriation FY2022 Inter-Island Ferry Authority Allocation FY2022 Inter-Island Ferry Authority (IFA) Vessel Refurbishments (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 IWAYS Architecture Update (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER) Digital Control, Generator, and Preventative Maintenance Allocation FY2022 Joint Repairs R3 and R4 (Deferred from 2021) (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 Juneau Pioneer Home ADA-Compliant Courtyard Allocation FY2022 Kenai Bridge Access Road Pedestrian Pathway (HD 29) Allocation FY2022 Kenai River Flats Facility Improvements (HD 30) Allocation FY2022 Kenai Spur Road Rehabilitation Stage 2 Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – S Tongass Hwy Improvements Saxman to Surf St Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – S. Tongass Hwy – Replace Hoadley Creek Bridge (HD 36) Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – S. Tongass Hwy – Water Street Viaduct Improvements (HD 36) Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – S. Tongass Hwy Improvements Deermount to Saxman Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – Sayles/Gorge St. Viaduct (#1841) Improvement Allocation FY2022 Ketchikan – So. Tongass Highway – Tongass Ave Improvements Allocation X FY2022 Ketchikan Pioneer Home HVAC Intake Damper Assembly Allocation FY2022 King Salmon Airport Fencing and Gate Security Improvements (HD 37) Allocation FY2022 Kipnuk Airport Surfacing and Lighting Replacement (HD 38) Allocation FY2022 Knik Goose Bay Road Reconstruction Centaur Avenue to Vine Road Stage 1 (HD 8) Allocation FY2022 Kodiak – Chiniak Hwy Rehabilitate Stage 1 (HD 32) Allocation FY2022 Kodiak – Chiniak Hwy Rehabilitate: Mile Point 5 to 21 (Milepost 15 to 31) (HD 32) Allocation FY2022 Kodiak – Otmeloi Way Reconstruction (HD 32) Allocation FY2022 Kongiganak Airport Rehabilitation & SREB Construction (HD 38) Appropriation FY2021 Kotzebue Readiness Center HVAC Life-Cycle Replacement Appropriation FY2022 Kotzebue Tarmac Repair and Maintenance Allocation FY2022 Lake Hood Access Road Improvements (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Land Development for Nenana-Totchaket Appropriation FY2022 Land Sales – New Subdivision Development Appropriation FY2021 Land Sales – New Subdivision Development Appropriation FY2022 Marine Fisheries Patrol Improvements Appropriation FY2022 Mass Notification System – Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER) Appropriation FY2022 Matanuska-Susitna Borough – Arctic Winter Games Appropriation X FY2022 Matanuska-Susitna Borough – Pavement Rehab Through Mat Su Population Corridor Allocation FY2022 Mekoryuk Airport & Access Rd Rehab (HD 38) Allocation FY2022 Mekoryuk SRE Building Replacement (HD 38) Appropriation FY2022 MH: AHFC Beneficiary and Special Needs Housing Appropriation X FY2022 MH: AHFC Homeless Assistance Program Appropriation FY2022 MH: Coordinated Transportation and Vehicles Appropriation X FY2022 MH: Deferred Maintenance and Accessibility Improvements Appropriation X FY2022 MH: Home Modification and Upgrades to Retain Housing Appropriation FY2021 Mt. Edgecumbe High School Master Plan Update Appropriation FY2022 Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund Allocation FY2022 Napakiak Airport Reconnaissance Study (HD 38) Allocation FY2022 Napakiak Multi-Modal Study (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 National Highway Institute Training (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 National Historic Preservation Fund Appropriation X FY2021 National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska Impact Grant Program Appropriation FY2022 National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska Impact Grant Program Appropriation FY2022 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant Program Allocation FY2022 Nome Center Creek Road Rehabilitation Allocation FY2022 Nome Seppala Drive Rehabilitation Allocation FY2022 North Terminal Northside Aprons & Taxilane (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Northern Electrical Equipment Buildings (Tok & Eagle) (HD 6) Allocation FY2022 Northern Region ADA Reconnaissance and Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Northern Region ITS (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Northern Region Signal Interconnect (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 OHA AHRS/IBS Development (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Old Steese Highway Reconstruction (HD 1-5) Allocation FY2022 Other Federal Program Match Appropriation FY2022 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Appropriation FY2022 Pacific Cod Disaster Funding – 2018 Gulf of Alaska Appropriation FY2021 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook Fishery Mitigation Allocation X FY2022 Palmer Alaska Veterans and Pioneer Home Safety Fencing Appropriation FY2022 Palmer Alaska Veterans’ and Pioneers Home Roof Replacement Allocation FY2022 Parking Garage Repairs (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Parks Highway Mile Point 195-196 (Milepost 231) Enhancements Appropriation FY2021 PARKS Land and Water Conservation Fund Federal Grant Program Appropriation FY2022 PARKS Land and Water Conservation Fund Federal Grant Program Allocation FY2022 Pavement and Bridge Preservation (HD 33-36) Allocation FY2022 Pavement and Bridge Preservation (HD 37) Allocation FY2022 Pavement and Bridge Preservation (HD 7-31) Appropriation FY2022 Permit Backlog Reduction Appropriation X FY2022 Pioneer Homes Facility Improvements Appropriation FY2022 Point Mackenzie Correctional Farm Produce Processing Plant Allocation FY2022 Portage Station Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Pre-Grant Project Development (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Primary and General Elections Security Due to COVID-19 Allocation FY2022 Prince William Sound Area Transportation Plan Update (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Project Acceleration (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Prosecutor Recruitment and Housing to Address Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse of a Minor Case Backlog Appropriation FY2021 Public Building Fund Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, Repair and Equipment Allocation FY2022 Quick Turnaround Facility Renewal (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: 175.4 NTE Alaska Community Foundation for Construction of the Muktuk Marston-Hunter Pass Trails in Chugach State Park Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: 200.0 NTE Friends of Eagle River Nature Center, Inc. for Viewing Deck Replacement (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: 36.8 NTE Eagle River Lions Club of Eagle River, Inc. for Resurfacing of Outdoor Recreation Courts (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: 40.0 NTE Birchwood Airport Association for Septic System Replacement (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage for 2nd Avenue Connection, Ingra Street and Karluk Street, Conceptual Design Phase and Pedestrian Safety Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage for Hillside Fire Abatement (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage for Mountain View Drive Surface Rehabilitation, Taylor Street to McCarrey Street (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage for Norm Drive and Doll Drive Resurfacing and Road and Draining Improvements (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage for Russian JackSprings Park Improvements (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility, for a Water Distribution System for Hillcrest Subdivision (HD 12-28) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Bethel for Construction of the Public Safety Building (HD 38) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Bethel for Design of the Yukon Kuskokwim Fitness Center Gym and Track (HD 38) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Bethel Search and Rescue for Equipment (HD 38) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: for Capital Costs Related to State Facilities and Services (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: for Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Alaska Land Mobile Radio Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: for Emergency Weather Events Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: for Fuel Mitigation, Fire Break Activites, and Critical Water Resource Availability (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: for Tax Expertise, Economic Impact Analysis, and Legal Analysis – Est $484,434 Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Homer for Fire Cart Replacement (HD 29-31) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Koyukok for Heavy Equipment Parts and Maintenance (HD 39) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: of Capital Projects from Department of Administration to Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Appropriation FY2021 REAPPROP: of Federal Aviation Match to the Marine Highway System Fund Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Safety and Remediation to Salvation Army Clitheroe Center and for Renovation of Second Site (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 REAPPROP: Wales for Honey Bucket Haul Vehicle and Equipment Upgrade (HD 39) Allocation FY2022 Reappropriate Capital projects from Department of Administration to Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 Reappropriate Capital Projects from Department of Health and Social Services to Department of Health Appropriation X FY2022 Reappropriate Capital Projects from Health and Social Services to Department of Family and Community Services Appropriation X FY2022 Reappropriate Capital Projects from Office of the Governor to Department of Health Allocation FY2022 Reconfigure NT CBP Operation (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Recreational Trails Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Redoubt Avenue and Smith Way Rehabilitation (HD 30) Appropriation FY2022 Replace Training Video Simulator Appropriation FY2021 Retirement System Server Replacement Appropriation FY2021 Revenue Collections System Enhancements Allocation FY2022 Richardson Highway Mile Point 360-361 (Milepost 359) Railroad Grade Separated Facility Allocation FY2022 Richardson Highway MP 233 Bear Creek Bridge #0593 Replacement (HD 6) Allocation FY2022 Road Weather Information System (RWIS) (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Roadway Data Collection (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 RS2477 Access Development – Advancing State’s Rights in Navigability and Revised Statute 2477 Allocation FY2022 Ruby Slough Road (HD 39) Allocation FY2022 RWIS Air Quality Sensor Operations & Maintenance (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Saint Mary’s Airport Reconstruction (HD 39) Appropriation FY2022 SCOPE CHANGE: Anchorage Curling Club – Expanded Facility Construction AND CURLING EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Document 1 Document 2 Appropriation FY2022 SCOPE CHANGE: Elections Voting System Replacement Security, and redistricting and ballot measure 2 implementation Appropriation FY2021 Section 17, HB205 Renovation, Repair, Technology Improvements and Other Projects for Legislative Buildings and Facilities (1-40) Allocation FY2022 Seismic Bridge Retrofit Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Selawik Barge Landing Access Road and Boardwalk Improvements Allocation FY2022 Seward Airport Reconstruction Allocation FY2022 Seward Highway Mile Point 104-108.5 (Milepost 105-109.5) Windy Corner to Rainbow Point (HD 27) Allocation FY2022 Seward Highway MP 14 Railroad Crossing Reconstruction (HD 29) Allocation FY2022 Shishmaref Sanitation Road Erosion Control (HD 39) Allocation FY2022 Signal and Detector System (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Sitka Sea Walk (HD 35) Allocation FY2022 Skagway-Klondike Highway Rehabilitation: Skagway River Bridge to Canadian Border (HD 33) Allocation FY2022 Small Hydrologic Investigations (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Snow River Bridges Nonmotorized Pathway as Environmental Mitigation for Sterling Highway MP 45-60 Co (HD 29) Appropriation FY2022 Snowmobile Trail Development Program and Grants Allocation FY2022 Soldotna Community Connections and ADA Improvements (HD 30) Allocation FY2022 Southcoast Areawide ADA Improvements (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Sport Fish Recreational Boating and Angler Access Appropriation FY2022 Sport Fish Recreational Boating and Angler Access Appropriation FY2022 State Equipment Fleet Replacement Appropriation FY2022 State Homeland Security Grant Programs Appropriation FY2022 State Park Electronic Fee Stations Allocation FY2022 Statewide Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Statewide Deferred Maintenance – Courts Appropriation FY2022 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair Appropriation FY2021 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair Appropriation FY2022 Statewide Federal Programs Appropriation FY2022 Statewide Firebreak Construction Program Allocation FY2022 Statewide Functional Class Update (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Statewide Highway Data Equipment Acquisition and Installation (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Statewide Park Sanitation and Facility Upgrades Allocation FY2022 Statewide Research Program (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Statewide Roof, Envelope, and Fall Protection Appropriation FY2021 Statewide School Capital Funding Forecast Database Allocation FY2022 Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Statewide Various Airports — Airport Equipment Acquisition (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Statewide Various Airports Minor Surface Improvements and Obstruction Removal (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Statewide: Highway Safety Improvement Program Safety Management (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Steese Expressway / Johansen Expressway Interchange Allocation FY2022 Sterling Hwy Mile Point 8-25 (Milepost 45-60) Sunrise Inn to Skilak Lake Rd JNU Creek Bridge Con (HD 30) Allocation FY2022 Sterling Hwy Mile Point 8-25 (Milepost 45-60) Sunrise Inn to Skilak Lake Road Construction Allocation FY2022 Sterling Hwy Mile Point 8-25 (Milepost 45-60) Sunrise Inn to Skilak Lake Road Construction Stage 1 (HD 29) Allocation FY2022 Sterling Hwy Mile Point 8-25 (Milepost 45-60) Sunrise Inn to Skilak Lake Road Construction Stage 3 (HD 29) Allocation FY2022 Sterling Safety Corridor Improvements Mile Point 45 – 58 (Milepost 82.5 to 94) (HD 30) Allocation FY2022 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Surface Transportation Program Allocation FY2022 Takotna River Bridge Replacement (HD 37) Allocation FY2022 Technology Infrastructure (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Traffic Data Management and Reporting System (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Transportation Asset Management Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Traveler Information Systems Marketing (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Trunk Road (Nelson Road) Upgrade Trunk Road (Nelson Road) Upgrade (HD 11) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Advanced Project Design and Planning (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Airfield Pavement Reconstruction & Maintenance (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Annual Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Environmental Projects (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Equipment (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Facility Improvements, Renovations, & Upgrades (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TSAIA: Information Technology Improvements (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 TW R South Surface Seal (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 Unalaska Apron & TWY Pavement Rehabilitation (HD 37) Allocation FY2022 Underground Storage Tank Replacement for Generators at NT, ST & ARFF Buildings (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2021 Unemployment Insurance Mainframe System Support Allocation FY2022 Urban Planning Program (HD 1-40) Allocation FY2022 USGS Flood Frequency and Analysis (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2022 Vehicle Replacement Appropriation FY2021 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects Appropriation X FY2022 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects Allocation FY2021 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: Expansion, Upgrade, and Replacement of Existing Service Allocation X FY2022 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: Expansion, Upgrade, and Replacement of Existing Service Allocation X FY2022 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: First Time Service Projects Allocation FY2021 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: First Time Service Projects Supplemental Allocation FY2022 Vine Road Improvements Knik-Goosebay Road to Hollywood Blvd. Appropriation X FY2022 Voice of the Arctic Inupiat Appropriation FY2022 Weigh Station Scale Repairs Allocation FY2022 Weigh-In-Motion Maintenance & Operations (HD 1-40) Appropriation X FY2022 West Susitna Road Access Allocation FY2022 Whitshed Road and Pedestrian Improvements Allocation FY2022 Whittier Tunnel: Maintenance and Operations (HD 9) Appropriation FY2022 Wildland Fire Engine Replacement Appropriation FY2022 Wildland Firefighting Aircraft Replacement Appropriation FY2021 Wildlife Management, Research and Hunting Access Allocation FY2022 Winter Trail Marking (HD 1-40)