Fiscal Year 2021 Supplemental Budget Released July 1, 2021 The FY2021 Supplemental items were included in the operating and capital bill HB69, see FY2022 enacted page for more reports. FY2021 Operating Supplemental Statewide Totals, 7-1-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Department Totals, 7-1-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Component Totals, 7-1-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Veto, 7-1-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental Department UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary, 7-1-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental House District UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary, 7-1-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental Project Listing by Department, 7-1-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental Project Listing by House District, 7-1-21 FY2021 Capital Veto, 7-1-21 Released May 25, 2021 Operating Transmittal Letter, 5-25-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Amendment Summary, 5-25-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Amendment Backup, 5-25-21 Collective Bargaining Agreement, Public Safety Employees Association, 5-25-21 Letter of Agreement Amendment, PSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement, 5-25-21 Memo, Amendment to Monetary Terms, PSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement, 5-25-21 Released May 3, 2021 Operating Transmittal Letter, 5-3-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Amendment Summary, 5-3-21 FY2021 Operating Supplemental Amendment Backup, 5-3-21 Capital Transmittal Letter, 5-3-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental Amendment Summary, 5-3-21 FY2021 Capital Supplemental Amendment Backup, 5-3-21 Released April 19, 2021 Transmittal Letters, 4-19-21 Supplemental Bill Summary, 4-19-21 FY2021 Supplemental Governor Amended Summary, 4-19-21 FY2021 Supplemental Governor Amended Backup, 4-19-21 Released April 16, 2021 American Rescue Plan CSLFRF Plan Summary, 4-16-21 American Rescue Plan Direct Agency Grant Detail, 4-16-21 American Rescue Transmittal Letters, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Bill, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Operating Statewide Funding Summary, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Operating Department Summary, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Operating Component Summary, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Operating Details, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Capital Statewide Funding Summary, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Capital Department Summary, 4-19-21 American Rescue Plan Details, 4-19-21 Released April 1, 2021 Transmittal Letter, 4-1-21 FY2021 Capital Amendments Errata Sheet, 4-1-21 FY2021 Supplemental Governor Amended Summary, 4-1-21 FY2021 Supplemental Governor Amended Backup, 4-1-21 Released February 16, 2021 Transmittal Letter, 2-16-21 FY2021 Supplemental Summary, 2-16-21 FY2021 Supplemental Spreadsheet, 2-16-21 FY2021 Supplemental Backup, 2-18-21 Released February 2, 2021 FY2021 Supplemental Bill, 2-2-21 FY2021 Supplemental Summary, 2-2-21 FY2021 Supplemental Spreadsheet, Updated 2-5-21 FY2021 Supplemental Backup Packet, 2-2-21