Fiscal Year 2020 Enacted Budget – All Projects Listed Alphabetically Appropriation/ Allocation Amended Project Title Backup Documents Appropriation FY2020 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Federal Program Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public Housing Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Energy Programs Weatherization Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive Grants Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Capital Fund Program Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Federal HOME Grant Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Rental Assistance for Victims – Empowering Choice Housing Program (ECHP) Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Supplemental Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2020 AHFC Teacher, Health and Public Safety Professionals Housing Appropriation X FY2020 Airport Improvement Program Appropriation X FY2020 Alaska Energy Authority – Rural Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Retrofit Allocation X FY2020 Alaska International Airport System Appropriation FY2020 Alaska Marine Highway System – Tazlina and Hubbard Side Doors Installation Appropriation FY2020 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel Overhaul, Annual Certification and Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation Appropriation FY2019 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel Overhaul, Annual Certification and Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation Appropriation FY2020 Alaska Railroad: Seward Dock Replacement Appropriation FY2020 Alaska Travel Industry Association Appropriation FY2020 Anchorage – Jewel Lake Road, Sand Lake Elementary School Safety Lighting Appropriation FY2020 Arctic Strategic Transportation and Resources (ASTAR) Appropriation FY2020 Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska – State Participation Grant 2020 Allocation X FY2019 City of Anaktuvuk Pass – Local Operations Allocation X FY2020 City of Atqasuk – Local Government Operations and Youth Program Allocation X FY2019 City of Nuiqsut – Capacity Building and Planning Allocation X FY2019 City of Nuiqsut – Community Recreation and Youth Center Operations and Maintenance Allocation X FY2019 City of Nuiqsut – Local Government Operations and Maintenance Allocation X FY2019 City of Nuiqsut – Playground Upgrades Allocation X FY2020 City of Utqiagvik – Local Government Operations Allocation X FY2020 City of Utqiagvik – Purchase of Heating System for Administrative Building and Piuraagvik Recreation Center Allocation X FY2019 City of Wainwright – Local Government Operations Allocation X FY2019 City of Wainwright – Skate Park Design Allocation X FY2019 City of Wainwright – Youth Program Appropriation FY2020 Clean Water Capitalization Grant – Subsidy Funding Allocation FY2020 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Program Appropriation FY2020 Community Block Grants Allocation FY2020 Cooperative Reimbursable Projects Appropriation FY2020 Cooperative Water Resource Program Pass-through to USGS for Stream Gaging Projects Appropriation FY2020 Critical Minerals Mapping – 3DEEP Appropriation FY2020 Cruise Ship Air Pollutant Monitoring Equipment Appropriation FY2020 Cyber Security Courts Appropriation FY2020 Decommissioning and Remediation of Class V Injection Wells Appropriation FY2020 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant – Subsidy Funding Appropriation X FY2019 Electronic Visit Verification System Implementation Appropriation FY2020 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Parks Habitat Restoration and Protection Appropriation FY2020 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Purchase Corr Parcel Surface Estate Appropriation FY2020 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Purchase Deep Creek Properties Appropriation FY2020 Federal and Local Government Funded Forest Resource and Fire Program Allocation FY2020 Federal Emergency Projects Appropriation FY2020 Federal Program Match Allocation FY2020 Federal Transit Administration Grants Allocation FY2020 Federal-Aid Aviation State Match Appropriation FY2020 Federal-Aid Highway Project Match Credits Allocation FY2020 Federal-Aid Highway State Match Appropriation FY2020 Geological Mapping for Energy Development (USGS STATEMAP) Allocation FY2020 Highway Safety Grants Program Appropriation FY2020 Hope Community Resources, Inc. – Upgrades to Housing to Meet State & Federal Licensing Requirements Appropriation FY2020 Inter-Island Ferry Authority Appropriation FY2020 Juneau – Lemon Creek Correctional Center Laundry Expansion Appropriation FY2020 K-12 Major Maintenance Document 1 Appropriation X FY2019 Klondike – Industrial Use Highway Funding Appropriation FY2020 Marine Fisheries Patrol Improvements Appropriation X FY2020 Marine Mammal Research Appropriation FY2019 MH: Renovation required to accommodate Women’s Mental Health Unit at Hiland Mountain Appropriation FY2020 MH: AHFC Beneficiary and Special Needs Housing Appropriation FY2020 MH: AHFC Homeless Assistance Program Appropriation FY2020 MH: Assistive Technology Appropriation FY2020 MH: Coordinated Transportation and Vehicles Appropriation FY2020 MH: Deferred Maintenance and Accessibility Improvements Appropriation FY2020 MH: Home Modification and Upgrades to Retain Housing Appropriation FY2019 MH: Housing – Grant 604 Department of Corrections Discharge Incentive Grants Appropriation FY2020 National Historic Preservation Fund Appropriation X FY2019 National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska Impact Grant Program Appropriation FY2020 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant Program – Community Organization Trail Construction and Maintenance (HD 1-40) Appropriation FY2020 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant Program – Deferred Trail Maintenance in DPOR Units (HD 1-40) Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Acoustic Monitoring of Fish in the NPR-A Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Community Winter Access Trails Allocation X FY2020 North Slope Borough – Community Winter Access Trails Allocation X FY2020 North Slope Borough – EMS Equipment Upgrades and Emergency Training Equipment Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Health Assessment and Baseline Petroleum/Heavy Metal Exposure Testing of Key Subsistence Species Allocation X FY2020 North Slope Borough – Health Impact Assessment – Mental Health Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Iñupiatun Revitalization Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Land Management Enforcement Allocation X FY2020 North Slope Borough – Monitoring of Ice Seal Movements, Behavior, and Condition in Arctic Alaska Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Police Department Training and Personnel for NPR-A Impacted Communities Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Portable Boat Ramps Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Student Outreach and Science Education for NPR-A Villages Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Upgrades to Search and Rescue Equipment Allocation X FY2019 North Slope Borough – Village Comprehensive Plan Updates Allocation X FY2020 North Slope Borough – Winter Sampling of Fish in the Nearshore and Arctic Lagoons Appropriation FY2020 Northwest Arctic Borough – Costs of School Construction and Major Maintenance Appropriation FY2020 Oil and Hazardous Substance First Responder Equipment and Preparedness Allocation FY2020 Other Federal Program Match Appropriation FY2020 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Appropriation X FY2020 Pink Salmon Disaster – 2016 Gulf of Alaska Appropriation FY2020 Prince William Sound Science Center & Technology Institute Facilities Replacement Document 1 Document 2 Document 3 Appropriation FY2020 Public Building Fund Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, Repair and Equipment Appropriation X FY2019 Reapprop for Abandoned School Site Assessments – Est $49,766 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop for Alaska Peace Officers Association Farthest North Chapter for the Design of a Shooting Range – NTE $225,000 Appropriation X FY2019 Reapprop for Alaska State Troopers Law Enforcement Equipment Replacement – Est $659,958 Appropriation X FY2020 Reapprop for Alaska Wildlife Troopers Law Enforcement Equipment Replacement – Est $248,203 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop for Elections System Replacement & Security, Reno, Repair & Tech to Buildings & US Census Complete Count – NTE $600,000 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop for Elections Voting System Replacement and Security, Reno, Repair, and Tech Improvements to Buildings – Est $1,850,000 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop for Redistricting – NTE $50,000 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop for the Alaska Railroad Seward Dock Replacement – Est $905,065 Appropriation X FY2020 Reapprop for Village Public Safety Officer Equipment Replacement – Est $289,493 Appropriation FY2019 Reapprop to the Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund – Est $1,604,457 Appropriation FY2019 Renovation, Repair, Technology Improvements and Other Projects for Legislative Buildings and Facilities Allocation X FY2020 Rural Airport Improvement Program Appropriation FY2019 Scope Change: Ahtna, Inc. – Public Boat Landing Completion and Property Acquisition Appropriation FY2019 Scope Change: Grants to Municipalities: Ketchikan Gateway Borough – [ALASKA] Marine [HIGHWAY SYSTEM] & [NOAA] Moorage Facility Appropriation FY2019 Scope Change: Kenai – Kenai River South and North Beach Dip Net Access Appropriation FY2020 Settlers Cove Federal Land Access Program Appropriation FY2020 Snowmobile Trail Development Program and Grants Appropriation FY2020 Specialty Crop Grant for Peony Research Appropriation FY2020 Sport Fish Hatchery Facility Upgrades and Improvements – William Jack Hernandez and Ruth Burnett Appropriation FY2020 Sport Fish Recreational Boating and Angler Access Appropriation FY2019 Spruce Beetle Hazard Mitigation Project Appropriation FY2020 State Equipment Fleet Replacement Appropriation FY2020 State Homeland Security Grant Programs Appropriation FY2020 State Parks Public Use Cabins Appropriation FY2020 Statewide Deferred Maintenance – Courts Appropriation FY2020 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair Appropriation FY2020 Statewide Federal Programs Appropriation FY2019 Statewide Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Response Appropriation FY2020 Surface Transportation Program FHWA Appropriation FY2020 University of Alaska Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair Appropriation FY2019 Upgrade and Repair of Critical Volcano Monitoring Instruments Allocation FY2020 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: First Time Service Projects Appropriation FY2020 Village Safe Water and Wastewater: Infrastructure Projects Allocation FY2020 Village Safe Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: Expansion, Upgrade, and Replacement of Existing Service Appropriation FY2020 Wildlife Access Projects Eligible for Pittman-Robertson Funds Appropriation FY2020 Wildlife Management, Research and Hunting Access