Fiscal Year 2017 Personal Services Changes Reports on position details such as deleted, new, and location count reports may not reconcile to various budget reports depending on the position detail available from agencies. The Courts, Legislature, and Alaska Marine Highway do not enter position detail in the state budget system so location and vacancy information is not included for those entities in all reports. The identified filled position to be deleted may result in a different employee, in a different job class, in a different location being laid off to comply with specific collective bargaining agreements. All of these reports reflect budgeted position information except the last “Filled Employee Count Comparisons” section which is based on payroll data. HB2001 included intent language to implement the 2016 unallocated reductions in a manner that results in a minimum number of state employee layoffs and that is geared toward finding internal agency and department efficiencies. Additional personal services detail for budgeted positions can be found within reports released with the FY2017 Governor’s Proposed budget. Department Counts Position Count Summary by Department (FY15MP, FY16MP, FY17Gov) Personal Services Change Summary by Department (FY15MP vs FY17Gov) Note: These reports reflect net changes taken by the Governor and Legislature in FY2016 and FY2017 and may not reconcile to the specific FY2017 Governor proposals in the reports below. Full-time Position Cost Trends FY2000-FY2016 Location Reports Position Counts by Location (FY16MP) Position Counts by Location (FY17Gov) Location Changes (Excluding University, FY16MP) Location Changes (Excluding University, FY17Gov) Deleted Position Reports Deleted Position Count Statewide Summary (FY16MP) Deleted Position Count Statewide Summary (FY17Gov) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Department/Location (Excl. Univ., FY16MP) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Department/Location (Excl. Univ., FY17Gov) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Bargaining Unit (Excluding Univ., FY16MP) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Bargaining Unit (Excluding Univ., FY17Gov) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Location (Excluding Univ., FY16MP) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions Filled vs Vacant by Location (Excluding Univ., FY17Gov) (updated 2/2/16) Deleted Positions by Location (Univ. Only, FY16MP) Deleted Positions by Location (Univ. Only, FY17Gov) Deleted Position Details (FY16MP) Deleted Position Details (FY17Gov) New Position Reports New Positions Counts by Department (FY16MP) New Positions Counts by Department (FY17Gov) New Positions by Location (FY16MP) New Positions by Location (FY17Gov) New Position Details (FY16MP) New Position Details (FY17Gov) Transfer Reports Position Transfer Details (FY16MP) Position Transfer Details (FY17Gov) Note: Reflects transfers between budget structure components. Vacancies FY2017 Budgeted Positions Vacant for 1 Year FY2017 Vacancy Factor Instructions to Departments Filled Employee Count Comparisons Filled Employees by Department Dec ’14 vs Nov ’15 Filled Employees by Location Dec ’14 vs Nov ’15 Filled Employees by Class Dec ’14 vs Nov ’15 Filled Employees by Location/Class Dec ’14 vs Nov ’15 Note: Filled Employee data comes from the payroll system so does not include vacant positions. The identified filled position to be deleted in the budget may result in a different employee, in a different job class, in a different location being laid off to comply with specific collective bargaining agreements; due to this and other complexities, position control numbers (PCNs) do not appear on the filled employee count reports and reasons for separation of individual PCNs are not available. Department of Labor Statistics FY08-FY16 Alaska Employment Data (from Presentation to House Finance 1-22-16) Department of Labor Alaska Employment Data