Fiscal Year 2017 Supplemental Budget FY17 Supplemental Budget Bill, 1-30-17 FY17 Supplemental Summary, 1-30-17 FY17 Supplemental Requests, 1-30-17 FY17 Supplemental Request Detail Backup, 1-30-17 Supplemental Reports, 1-30-17 Transmittal Letter, 2-14-17 FY17 Supplemental Summary, 2-14-17 FY17 Supplemental Spreadsheet, 2-14-17 FY17 Supplemental Detail Backup, 2-14-17 Transmittal Letter, 3-27-17 FY17 Supplemental Summary, 3-27-17 FY17 Supplemental Spreadsheet, 3-27-17 FY17 Supplemental Detail Backup, 3-27-17 The FY2017 operating supplemental appropriations are included in the operating budget bill and are reflected in the enacted operating reports. 6-30-17