Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget Press Release, 12-11-19 Fiscal Summary, Revised 1-31-19 10-Year Plan, 12-11-19 FY2020 Supplemental Budget Operating Operating Bill, 12-13-19 (revised 12-13-19) Statewide Totals, 12-11-19 Statewide Totals (Agency Operations Only), 12-11-19 Department Summary, 12-11-19 Department Summary – UGF Only, 12-11-19 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary by Department, 12-11-19 FY2020 Operating Supplemental Change Records, 12-11-19 (Supplemental bill due to Legislature Feb. 4, 2020) Statewide Items – FY2021 Governor Change Record Summary, 12-11-19 Capital Capital Bill, 12-11-19 Statewide Funding Summary, 12-11-19 Department UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary, 12-11-19 House District UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary, 12-11-19 Project by Department, 12-11-19 Project by House District, 12-11-19 FY2020 Capital Supplemental Projects, 12-11-19 Mental Health Mental Health Bill, 12-12-19 (revised 12-12-19) Mental Health Trust Letter, 1-17-20 Mental Health Budget Summary, 1-17-20 Mental Health Operating Budget Comparison, 1-17-20 Mental Health Capital Budget Comparison, 1-17-20 Operating and Capital Details by Department Administration Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Corrections Education and Early Development Environmental Conservation Fish and Game Governor Health and Social Services Labor Law Legislature Military and Veterans Affairs Natural Resources Public Safety Revenue Transportation and Public Facilities University Court System