Fiscal Year 2024 Enacted Budget – All Projects Listed Alphabetically Appropriation/ Allocation Amended Project Title Allocation X FY2024 5th Ave: Concrete Street to Karluk Street Pedestrian Improvements Appropriation FY2024 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Federal Program Allocation X FY2024 ADA Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Allocation X FY2024 Adak Repave and Drainage Improvements Appropriation X FY2024 Address Backlog of Aging Infrastructure Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Affordable Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public Housing Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Energy Efficiency Research Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Energy Programs Weatherization Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive Grants Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Capital Fund Program Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Housing and Urban Development Federal HOME Grant Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Rental Assistance for Persons Displaced Due to Domestic Violence – Empowering Choice Housing Program (ECHP) Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Rural Professional Housing Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2024 AHFC Supplemental Housing Development Program Appropriation FY2024 Air National Guard Modernization and Sustainment Allocation X FY2024 Air Quality Mobile Source Modeling Appropriation FY2023 Airport Improvement Program (FY23) Appropriation X FY2024 Airport Improvement Program (FY24) Allocation X FY2024 Airport Way / South Cushman Intersection Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Akakeek, Ptarmigan, and DeLapp Streets Appropriation X FY2024 Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police – State of Alaska Police Policy Manual Project Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Bulk Fuel Upgrades Appropriation FY2023 Alaska Energy Authority – Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Deployment – IIJA Competitive Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Electrical Emergencies Program Appropriation X FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Home Energy and High Efficiency Rebate Allocations Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Hydroelectric Development Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – New Energy Auditor Training IIJA Appropriation X FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – New Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Program Appropriation X FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Port Electrification Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Renewable Energy and Efficiency Programs Appropriation X FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Round 15 Renewable Energy Project Grants (AS 42.45.045) Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Rural Power Systems Upgrades Appropriation FY2023 Alaska Energy Authority – State Energy Program IIJA Formula Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Energy Authority – Statewide Grid Resilience and Reliability – IIJA Formula Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Federation of Natives, Inc. – AFN Navigator Program Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Food Security & Independence – Phase 1 Allocation X FY2024 Alaska Highway – Gerstle River Bridge Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Alaska Highway – Johnson River Bridge Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Alaska Highway System New Starts Appropriation FY2023 Alaska Legal Services Corporation – Community Justics Worker Training Hub Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel Overhaul, Annual Certification and Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Marine Salmon Program Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Municipal League – Infrastructure Coordination and Grant Writing Assistance Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Trails – Eklutna Lakeside Trail Improvements Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Trails – Indian Valley Trail Reroute Appropriation FY2024 Alaska Trails – Ram Valley Access Reestablishment Allocation X FY2024 Alaska Waterways Program Appropriation FY2024 Ambient Air Monitoring Shelters Allocation X FY2024 American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Technical Programs Support Allocation X FY2024 Anchorage Flashing Yellow Arrow and Signal Head Display Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) Carbon Reduction Program Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) Community Transportation Program (CTP) Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) Transportation Alternatives (TA) Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Annual Planning Work Program Allocation X FY2024 Anton Anderson Memorial (Whittier) Tunnel – Back-up Generation for Normal Operations Appropriation FY2024 Arctic Winter Games Host Society Appropriation FY2023 Arctic Winter Games State Team Alaska – State Participation Grant Allocation X FY2024 Aviation Systems Plan Update Appropriation FY2024 Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association – Genetic Stock Identification of Chinook Salmon Harvested Appropriation FY2024 Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association – Improve Stock of Origin Analysis of Western Alaska Salmon Allocation X FY2024 Bethel Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway Rehabilitation Allocation X FY2024 Big Lake Road: MP 0-3.6 and Church Pavement Preservation Appropriation FY2024 Bison Range Restoration Allocation X FY2024 Bogard Road at Engstrom Road / Green Forest Drive Intersection Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Bridge and Tunnel Inventory, Inspection, Monitoring, Preservation, Rehab and Replacement Program Allocation X FY2024 Bridge Management System Allocation X FY2024 Bridge Scour Monitoring and Retrofit Program Appropriation FY2024 Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute – Western Alaska Chum Salmon Bycatch in the Inshore Bering Sea Pollock Fishery Allocation X FY2024 Buckland Airport Improvements Appropriation FY2024 Business Enterprise Program: Child Care Facility Appropriation FY2024 Business Enterprise Program: Facility Development and Equipment Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Central Region ADA Compliance Project Appropriation FY2024 Central Region Fisheries Management Sonar Replacement Allocation FY2023 Chalkyitsik Airport Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Chena Pump Road / Chena Small Tracts Road Roundabout Allocation X FY2024 Chenega Airport Lighting Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Chevak Airport Improvements Allocation FY2023 Chignik Airport Snow Removal Equipment Building Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2024 City of Bethel – Public Safety Communication Tower Appropriation X FY2024 City of Dillingham – Harbor Float Replacement Appropriation X FY2024 City of Fairbanks – Polaris Hotel – Contaminated Materials Abatement Allocation X FY2024 City of Fairbanks Systemic Signal Upgrades Appropriation X FY2024 City of Kenai – Wildwood Drive Roadway Reconstruction Appropriation X FY2024 City of Kotzebue – Cape Blossom Port Authority and Development Appropriation X FY2024 City of Palmer – Reconstruction of Public Library Appropriation X FY2024 City of Pilot Station – New Heavy Equipment Bulldozer Purchase Appropriation X FY2024 City of Wasilla – Airport Runway Extension Allocation X FY2024 Civil Rights Program Appropriation FY2024 Classroom and Offices in the Department of Public Safety Bethel Hangar Appropriation FY2024 Clean Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Appropriation FY2024 Clean Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy – IIJA, Division J, Title VI Appropriation FY2024 Clean Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Emerging Contaminants – IIJA, Division J, Title VI Allocation X FY2024 Climate Responsive Ferry Vessel Options Allocation X FY2024 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Program Allocation X FY2024 Committed Measures for the Fairbanks State Implementation Plan (SIP) Appropriation FY2024 Community Block Grants Appropriation FY2024 Community Wildfire Defense Grants Appropriation FY2024 Construction of a Certified Veterans Cemetery in Fairbanks area Appropriation FY2024 Construction of New Public Use Cabins and Repair and Replacement of Existing Cabins Allocation X FY2024 Cooperative Reimbursable Projects Allocation X FY2024 Cordova Ferry Terminal Modification Appropriation FY2024 Court Security Projects Appropriation FY2024 Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Modernization Appropriation FY2024 Critical Minerals Mapping – Earth MRI Allocation X FY2024 Critical Upgrades to Ferry Dock Infrastructure in Five Rural Alaska Communities Appropriation FY2024 Crystal Lake Hatchery Raceway Repairs Allocation X FY2024 Cultural Resources Liaison Allocation X FY2024 Culvert Repair or Replace Project Allocation X FY2024 Dalton Highway MP 190 Hammond River Bridge Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Deadhorse Perimeter Fence, Drainage & Access Road Allocation X FY2024 Deering Airport and Access Road Improvements Appropriation FY2024 Deferred Maintenance Projects (DOT / DOA / DMVA Maintained) Appropriation FY2024 Denali Commission – Non-Federal Match for Federal Infrastructure Projects Allocation X FY2024 Design of a New Alaska Mainliner Appropriation X FY2024 Digitization of Payroll Services and Recruitment Appropriation FY2024 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Appropriation FY2024 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy – IIJA, Division J, Title VI Appropriation FY2024 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Emerging Contaminants- IIJA, Division J, Title VI Appropriation FY2024 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant Subsidy Lead Service Lines IIJA, Division J, Title VI Appropriation X FY2024 Elections Security Under the Help America Vote Act Allocation X FY2024 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program Allocation X FY2024 Elliott Highway MP 18-29 Resurfacing Appropriation FY2024 Emergency Medical Services Match for Code Blue Project Allocation X FY2024 Emergency Relief Funding Allocation X FY2024 Emergency Response Shelter and Equipment Staging Complex Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Chugach Regional Ocean Monitoring Program Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Community Organized Restoration and Learning [CORaL] Network Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Culture Camp Funding for the Chugach Region Appropriation FY2023 EVOS General Restoration & Habitat Protection Project Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Kenai Peninsula Stream Watch Appropriation FY2023 EVOS PWS Kelp Mariculture Development for Habitat Restoration and Local Economy Appropriation FY2023 EVOS PWS Natural History Symposium Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Social, cultural and economic assessment of kelp mariculture opportunities for coastal villages within the EVOS spill zone Appropriation FY2023 EVOS Status and Trends of EVOS Injured Seabirds Appropriation FY2023 Expand Federal Surplus Property Program Capacity by Adding Office Space and a Storage Mezzanine to the Federal Warehouse Appropriation FY2024 Facilities, Vessels, and Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Allocation X FY2024 Fairbanks Air Quality Planning Project Allocation X FY2024 Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Community Transportation Program (CTP) Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Planning Carbon Reduction Program Allocation Allocation X FY2024 Fairbanks Area Surface Transportation (FAST) Planning Transportation Alternatives (TA) Allocation Appropriation X FY2024 Fairbanks PM2.5 Nonattainment Area Voluntary Heating Device Change Out Program Appropriation FY2024 Fairbanks Post Remodel and Expansion Allocation X FY2024 Fairview Loop Allocation X FY2024 False Pass Airport Snow Removal Equipment Building Appropriation FY2023 Federal Emergency Management Agency Community Lidar Collection Appropriation FY2024 Federal Fisheries Disasters Appropriation X FY2024 Federal Program Match Appropriation FY2023 Federal Receipt Authority for Capital Projects Allocation X FY2024 Federal Toll Credits for Match Allocation X FY2024 Federal Transit Administration Grants Appropriation FY2023 Federal-Aid Aviation State Match Allocation X FY2024 Federal-Aid Aviation State Match Allocation X FY2024 Federal-Aid Highway Project Match Credits Allocation X FY2024 Federal-Aid Highway State Match Allocation X FY2024 Ferry Boat Funds Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Advanced Project Design and Planning Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Airfield Pavement Reconstruction & Maintenance Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Annual Improvements Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Environmental Projects Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Equipment Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Facility Improvements, Renovations, & Upgrades Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Information Technology Improvements Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Master Plan Update Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) Replacement Gate 3 Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Rehabilitate South Deicing Basin Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Runway 2L/20R Lighting Rehabilitation Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Security/Perimeter Fencing Improvements Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Terminal North Apron Improvements Allocation X FY2024 FIA: Wetlands Management Plan Appropriation X FY2024 Full Mainframe System Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Gambell and Ingra Streets – Overhead Signal Indication Upgrades Allocation X FY2024 Gambell Street Utility Pole Removal and Increased Lighting Appropriation FY2024 Geologic Mapping for Resource Development and Hazard Assessment (STATEMAP) Appropriation X FY2024 Geologic Materials Center Warehouse Safety Allocation X FY2024 Glenn Highway Bridge Deck Preservation Allocation X FY2024 Glenn Highway Incident Management Traffic Accommodations Allocation X FY2024 Glenn Highway Milepost 158-172 Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Glenn Highway Milepost 66.5 To 92 Pavement Preservation Appropriation FY2024 Golden Valley Electric Association- Three-Phase Power Extensions and Upgrades to Delta Farm Region and Co-Op Appropriation FY2023 Grants System Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Haines Highway Reconstruction, MP 3.5-25.3 Appropriation FY2024 Harbor Matching Grant Fund Allocation X FY2024 Highway Fuel Tax Evasion Allocation X FY2024 Highway Safety Grants Program Allocation X FY2024 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Allocation X FY2024 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management – Central Region Allocation X FY2024 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management – Northern Region Allocation X FY2024 Highway Safety Improvement Program/Safety Management- Southcoast Region Allocation X FY2024 Homer Airport Master Plan Update Allocation X FY2024 Hoonah Harbor Way Pedestrian Improvements and Pitt Island Cemetery Walkway Allocation X FY2024 Hydaburg Seaplane Facility Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Ice Roads & Seasonal Roads Maintenance Program Appropriation FY2024 Industry Projects Application Review (Dam Safety) Appropriation X FY2024 Insurance – Department of Health Rate Review Project Allocation X FY2024 International Airport Charging Stations Appropriation FY2024 Investigative and Forensic Electronic Equipment Refresh Allocation X FY2024 iWays Program Appropriation FY2024 Juneau Community Foundation Grant for Upgrades to Assembly Building Allocation X FY2024 Juneau Glacier Highway Reconstruction: Bessie Creek to Echo Cove Allocation X FY2024 Juneau North Douglas Bridge Project Appropriation FY2024 Justice Technology Upgrades and Courtroom Modernization Appropriation X FY2024 Kenai Peninsula Borough – Solid Waste Department – Hope Transfer Site Relocation Appropriation X FY2024 Kenny Lake Volunteer Fire Department – Emergency Medical & Rescue Equipment Allocation X FY2024 Ketchikan North Tongass Highway Resurface: Airport Ferry to Ward Creek: Stage 1 Allocation X FY2024 Ketchikan Seaplane Ramp Relocation and Floats Removal Allocation X FY2024 Ketchikan Terminal Area Expansion Allocation X FY2024 King Salmon Airport Snow Removal Equipment Building Allocation X FY2024 Knik Goose Bay Road Reconstruction Centaur Avenue to Vine Road Stage 2 Allocation X FY2024 Kodiak – Otmeloi Way Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Kotzebue Crosswind Runway Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Kwigillingok Airport Improvements Appropriation FY2024 Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grant Program Appropriation FY2024 Land Disposal Income Fund: Subdivision Development Appropriation FY2023 Lemon Creek Correctional Center Extended Renovation and Repair Allocation X FY2024 Light up the Highways Allocation FY2023 Little Diomede Helipad Rehabilitation and Lighting Replacement Allocation X FY2024 M/V Tustumena Replacement Vessel Appropriation FY2024 Major Maintenance Grant Fund for School Major Maintenance Appropriation X FY2024 Marine Exchange of Alaska – Alaska Vessel Tracking System Upgrades and Expansion Allocation FY2023 Marshall Airport Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2024 Matanuska-Susitna Borough – Metropolitan Planning Organization Support Appropriation X FY2024 Matanuska-Susitna Borough – Talkeetna Water and Sewer Line Repairs and System Upgrades Appropriation X FY2024 MH: AHFC Beneficiary and Special Needs Housing Appropriation FY2024 MH: AHFC Homeless Assistance Program Appropriation FY2024 MH: Assistive Technology Appropriation FY2024 MH: Coordinated Transportation and Vehicles Appropriation FY2024 MH: Deferred Maintenance and Accessibility Improvements Appropriation FY2024 MH: Home Modification and Upgrades to Retain Housing Appropriation FY2024 MH: Rural Housing Coordinator – New Region Appropriation FY2024 MH: Rural Housing Coordinator – Northwest Arctic Borough Allocation X FY2024 Moose Creek Bridge Reconstruction: Petersville Road MP 7.0 Allocation X FY2024 Mountain Village Snow Removal Equipment Building Replacement Appropriation FY2024 Mt. Edgecumbe High School Deferred Maintenance- Replacement of Boys’ Dorm and Main Girls’ Dorm Windows Allocation X FY2024 Muldoon Road Pavement Preservation: Debarr to Glenn Highway Appropriation X FY2024 Municipality of Anchorage – Hillside Fire Prevention/Mitigation Appropriation X FY2024 Municipality of Anchorage – Hillside Limited Road Service Area/Rural Road Service Area – Drainage and Ditching Appropriation X FY2024 Municipality of Anchorage – Lower Virgo Avenue Emergency Egress Improvements Appropriation X FY2024 Municipality of Anchorage – Mary Avenue Area Storm Drainage Appropriation X FY2024 Municipality of Anchorage – Purchase and Establish Eagle River Cemetery Allocation X FY2024 National Highway Institute Training Appropriation FY2024 National Historic Preservation Fund Appropriation FY2024 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Removal Grant Appropriation FY2024 National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska Impact Grant Program Appropriation FY2024 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant Program Allocation X FY2024 Nightmute Airport Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2024 Ninilchik Senior Citizens, Inc. – Kitchen Expansion Allocation X FY2024 Nome Emergency Repairs from the West Coast Alaska Storm Allocation X FY2024 Nome Front Street Resurfacing Allocation X FY2024 Nome Port Road Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Nome Seppala Drive Rehabilitation Allocation X FY2024 North Eagle River Access Road: Powder Ridge Drive to Old Glenn Highway Allocation X FY2024 Northern Region ADA Reconnaissance and Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Northern Region Drainage Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Northern Region Systemic Signal Upgrades Allocation X FY2024 Office of History and Archaeology (OHA) Alaska Heritage Resources Survey/Integrated Business System (AHRS/IBS) Development Appropriation FY2024 Oil and Hazardous Substance First Responder Equipment and Preparedness Allocation X FY2024 Other Federal Program Match Appropriation FY2024 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Appropriation FY2024 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook Fishery Mitigation Allocation X FY2024 Palmer-Fishhook Road and Trunk Road Roundabout Allocation X FY2024 Parks Highway: 303-305 Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Parks Highway: Houston to Willow Rehabilitation Allocation X FY2024 Parks Highway: Mile Point 279-290 (Milepost 315-325) Reconstruction Appropriation FY2024 Patrol Vessel and Motor Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Pavement and Bridge Preservation – Central Region Allocation X FY2024 Pavement and Bridge Preservation – Northern Region Allocation X FY2024 Pavement and Bridge Preservation – Southcoast Region Appropriation FY2024 Planning and Design of Stratton Library Remodel for Future Sitka Court House Allocation X FY2024 Port of Alaska Tract Appropriation X FY2024 Potter Marsh Watershed Conservation Project Phase 2 Appropriation X FY2024 Pre-Disaster Mitigation – Congressionally Directed Spending Projects Allocation X FY2024 Prince of Wales – Neck Lake Road Reconstruction: North Prince of Wales Island Highway to Whale Pass Stage 2 Appropriation FY2024 Proceeds of Sale of State-owned Vessels and Aircrafts Allocation X FY2024 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Appropriation X FY2024 Public Building Fund Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, Repair and Equipment Appropriation FY2024 Public Engagement and Customer Relationship Management System Appropriation X FY2023 Reapprop for Emergency Weather & Catastrophic Events Appropriation FY2023 Reapprop Substance Use Disorder Service Expansion from the Dept of Health and Social Services to Dept of Health Appropriation FY2023 REAPPROP: Anchorage – Eldon Subdivision Water Access Appropriation FY2023 REAPPROP: Anchorage Park Foundation – Repairs and Upgrades for Neighborhood Parks Appropriation FY2023 REAPPROP: Kodiak Island Borough – Sargent Creek Park Playground and Basketball Court Appropriation X FY2023 REAPPROP: Legal and Financial Due Diligence for Alaska Liquefied Natural Gas Pipeline Project (AKLNG) Appropriation FY2023 REAPPROP: St. Michael’s Orthodox Cathedral – Emergency Repair for Bell Tower and Roof Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriate $1,000.0 – IRIS Cloud Mitigation and Employee Self Service Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriate Alaska Pioneer Homes Payment Assistance Program Appropriation X FY2023 Reappropriate Balance of Elections Two-Year Appropriation Appropriation X FY2024 Reappropriate Fairbanks Youth Facility from Department of Health to Department of Family and Community Services Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriate Health IT Management Solution from Office of the Governor to Department of Health Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriate Nome Youth Facility Deferred Maintenance Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriate Retirement Systems IT Modernization from the Office of the Governor to the Department of Administration Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriation for Food Security, Energy Innovation, Economic and Infrastructure Development Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriation of Unexpended Balances to the Alaska Capital Income Fund Appropriation FY2023 Reappropriation: Stratton Library Renovation Allocation X FY2024 Recreational Trails Program Allocation X FY2024 Redoubt Avenue and Smith Way Rehabilitation Appropriation FY2024 Renovation, Repair, Technology Improvements and Other Projects for Legislative Buildings and Facilities Appropriation FY2023 Repeal Permanent Fund Dividend Division – Dividend Application Information System Software Conversion Allocation X FY2024 Richardson Highway Mile Point 268-343 (Milepost 266-341) Passing Lanes (Delta Junction to Eielson) Allocation X FY2024 Richardson Highway Mile Point 68-84 (Milepost 65-80) Rehabilitation Allocation X FY2024 Richardson Highway MP 97-115 Resurfacing Allocation X FY2024 Richardson Highway Northbound Chena Flood Control Bridge Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Rock Slope Stabilization Program Appropriation X FY2024 Rural Ferry Grants Appropriation FY2024 Sanitation Upgrades to Parks Appropriation X FY2024 Scope Change to Allow Funds Associated with Interior Alaska Veterans Cemetery to be used at New Site Allocation X FY2024 Seismic Bridge Retrofit Program Allocation X FY2024 Seldon Road Upgrade and Extension Seldon Road Upgrade and Extension Appropriation X FY2024 Senate SS Municipality of Anchorage – Chugiak/Birchwood/Eagle River Rural Road Service Area – Starner Bridge Road and Drainage Appropriation X FY2024 Senior Citizens of Interior Alaska Inc. – ADA Compliant Elevator for Salcha Seniors’ Community Center Allocation X FY2024 Seward Highway: Mp 90-99 Pavement Preservation Allocation X FY2024 Seward Highway: Sterling Highway Intersection Improvements Appropriation X FY2023 Seward Marine Center Research Vessel Infrastructure Allocation X FY2024 Seward Snow Removal Equipment Building and Sand Storage Building Appropriation FY2024 Signage to Address Violations on State Land Allocation X FY2024 Sitka Terminal Building Modifications Appropriation FY2024 Skagway – Rockslide Mitigation Allocation X FY2024 Small Hydrologic Investigations Allocation X FY2024 Snag Point Erosion Mitigation Appropriation FY2024 Snowmobile Trail Development Program and Grants Allocation X FY2024 Southcoast Areawide ADA Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Southeast Alaska Port Electrification Allocation X FY2024 Southeast Transportation Plan Appropriation FY2024 Sport Fish Hatcheries Deferred Maintenance Appropriation X FY2024 State Equipment Fleet Replacement Appropriation X FY2024 State Homeland Security Grant Programs Allocation X FY2023 Statewide AIP Contingency Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Community Transportation Program Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality Appropriation FY2024 Statewide Contaminated Sites Cleanup Appropriation FY2024 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair Appropriation X FY2024 Statewide Federal Programs Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Functional Class Update Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Highway Safety Improvement Program Safety Management Appropriation FY2024 Statewide Marketing and Economic Development Initiative Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Research Program Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Resiliency Program Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Rural Airport System Overruns & Other Projects Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Rural Airport System Preconstruction Appropriation X FY2024 Statewide Salary Survey Appropriation FY2024 Statewide Security Doors and Windows Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Sustainable Transportation & Energy Program Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Various Airports Snow Removal, ADA, and Safety Equipment Acquisition Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Various Rural Airports Minor Surface Improvements and Obstruction Removal Allocation X FY2024 Statewide Wayside Improvement Program Appropriation FY2024 Static Code Vulnerability and Analysis Scan for All Public Facing Apps Allocation X FY2024 Steese Highway Mile Point 122-123 (Milepost 128) Crooked Creek Bridge Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Sterling Highway Mile Point 116-129 (Milepost 157-169) Rehabilitation Anchor Point to Baycrest Hill Allocation X FY2024 Sterling Highway Mile Point 8-25 (Milepost 45-60) Sunrise Inn to Skilak Lake Road Construction Stage 1 Allocation X FY2024 Sterling Safety Corridor Improvements Mile Point 45 – 58 (Milepost 82.5 to 94) Allocation X FY2024 Strategic Highway Safety Plan Allocation X FY2024 Surface Transportation Overruns & Other Projects Appropriation X FY2024 Surface Transportation Program Allocation X FY2024 System-wide Bridge Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Talkeetna Airport Lighting Improvements Appropriation X FY2024 Tok Chamber of Commerce – Upgrade Boilers, Heat System and Plumbing Allocation X FY2024 Tok Cutoff Highway Milepost 0-8 Reconstruction Allocation X FY2024 Tok Cutoff Milepost 76-91 Rehabilitation Appropriation FY2024 Training Academy Maintenance and Updates Allocation X FY2024 Transportation Asset Management Program Allocation X FY2024 Trunk Road (Nelson Road) Upgrade Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Advanced Project Design and Planning Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Airfield Pavement Reconstruction and Maintenance Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Annual Improvements Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Dispatch Room Relocation Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Environmental Projects Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Equipment Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Facility Improvements, Renovations, and Upgrades Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Information Technology Improvements Allocation X FY2024 TSAIA: Terminal Boarding Bridges Upgrades Appropriation FY2024 UA Drones Appropriation FY2024 UAA Alaska Leaders Archives and Consortium Library Renovation Appropriation FY2024 UAA Arcade & Bridge Lounge Campus Building Envelope & Roof Systems Renewal Appropriation FY2024 UAA Campus Building Interior & Systems Renewal Appropriation FY2024 UAA Health Workforce Diversity Expansion Project Phase 2 (WWAMI) Appropriation FY2023 UAA Health Workforce Expansion and Diversity Funding – Phase 1 Appropriation FY2024 UAA Social Sciences Building Exterior Doors Appropriation FY2024 UAF Cutler Apartments Building Envelope and Roof Systems Appropriation FY2024 UAF Patty Pool Code Corrections, Campus-Wide Fire Alarm Replacements and Other Safety Projects Appropriation FY2024 UAF Rural and Community Campus Renewal Appropriation FY2024 UAF University Park Early Childhood Development Center Appropriation FY2024 UAS Fuel Tanks Replacement, Mourant Covered Stairway, and Sitka Emergency Power Appropriation FY2024 UAS Paul Building Elevator Replacement, ASHP Replacement, and Other Interior Systems projects Appropriation FY2024 UAS Roof Systems, Safety Improvements, and Regulatory Compliance projects Allocation X FY2024 Unalaska Apron and Taxiway Pavement Rehabilitation Appropriation X FY2024 University Center Division of Motor Vehicles Renovations Appropriation FY2023 University Receipt Authority for Capital Projects Allocation X FY2024 Urban Planning Program Allocation X FY2024 US Geological Survey (USGS) Flood Frequency and Analysis Allocation X FY2024 Valdez Snow Removal Equipment Building and Deicing Buildings Replacement Allocation X FY2024 Vessel Modernization Appropriation FY2024 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects Allocation FY2024 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: Expansion, Upgrade, and Replacement of Existing Service Allocation FY2024 Village Safe Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects: First Time Service Projects Appropriation X FY2024 Voter Registration and Election Management System Allocation X FY2024 Wasilla Fishhook Road / Main Street Allocation X FY2024 Wasilla Fishhook Road and Spruce Avenue/Peck Street Roundabout Allocation X FY2024 West Coast Alaska Storm Community Repairs Allocation X FY2024 Whitshed Road and Pedestrian Improvements Allocation X FY2024 Whittier Tunnel: Maintenance and Operations Allocation X FY2024 Winter Trail Marking Allocation X FY2024 Workforce Development and Training: Statewide Allocation FY2023 Wrangell Gate Replacement & Security Upgrades Allocation X FY2024 Yakutat Automated Wildlife Detection System