Fiscal Year 2021 Enacted Budget Fiscal Summary, Revised 4-28-20 FY2019 to FY2021 Savings Summary, 4-7-20 FY2021 Budget Items of Interest, 4-7-20 HB205 Transmittal Letters, 4-7-20 HB205 FY2021 Operating and Capital Bill, 4-7-20 HB205 Veto Summary, 4-7-20 HB234 Transmittal Letters, 4-7-20 HB234 FY2020 Supplemental Bill, 4-7-20 HB234 Veto Summary, 4-7-20 FY2020 Supplemental FY2021 Operating Budget Statewide Totals, 4-7-20 Statewide Totals (Agency Ops Only), 4-7-20 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed Summary by Department, 4-7-20 Department Summary – All Funds, 4-7-20 Department Summary – UGF Only, 4-7-20 HB205 FY20 Veto Change Records, 4-7-20 HB205 FY21 Veto Change Records, 4-7-20 HB234 Veto Change Records, 4-7-20 HB206 Veto Change Records, 4-7-20 FY2021 Capital Statewide Funding Summary, 7-17-20 Department Funding Summary, 7-17-20 FY20/FY21 Summary by Department, 7-17-20 FY20/FY21 Summary by House District, 7-17-20 FY20 Project Listing by Department, 7-17-20 FY21 Project Listing by Department, 7-17-20 FY20 Project Listing by House District, 7-17-20 FY21 Project Listing by House District, 7-17-20 FY20 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed by Department, 7-17-20 FY20 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed by House District , 7-17-20 FY21 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed by Department, 7-17-20 FY21 UGF/DGF/Other/Fed by House District , 7-17-20 FY2021 Enacted Budget – All Projects Listed Alphabetically Mental Health HB 206 Transmittal Letters, 3-17-20 HB 206 Mental Health Bill, 3-17-20 Operating and Capital Details by Department Administration Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Corrections Education and Early Development Environmental Conservation Fish and Game Governor Health and Social Services Labor Law Legislature Military and Veterans Affairs Natural Resources Public Safety Revenue Transportation and Public Facilities University Court System